Dcity_RD200M – Arduino and Particle library for interfacing to the RD200M Radon Sensor

The rd200m library works with Arduino, Particle and other related boards (ESP32, etc.) and it provides many functions to communicate with the RD200M radon sensor module using a serial interface.

I²C 7 Segment Led Library for Arduino, Particle, and Raspberry Pi

The I2c7SegmentLed library works with [Arduino](http://arduino.cc), [Particle](http://particle.io) (Photon, Electron, and Core) and [Raspberry Pi](https://www.raspberrypi.org) microcontroller boards and it provides many functions that make it easy to use the 7 Segment Led display modules (which use the I²C communication protocol).

I²C Keypad Library for Arduino, Particle and Raspberry Pi

The I2cKeypad library provides easy to use functions for reading a matrix keypad. Library functions such as getKey(), peekKey() and getKeyCount() are included. The I2cKeypad library works with [Arduino](http://arduino.cc), [Particle](http://particle.io) (Photon, Electron, and Core) and [Raspberry Pi](https://www.raspberrypi.org) boards and it provides many functions to communicate with matrix keypads that use the I²C communication protocol using the MCP23008 interface chip.

I²C OLED and LCD Character Display Software Library for Arduino, Particle and Raspberry Pi

The I2cCharDisplay library works with [Arduino](http://arduino.cc), [Particle](http://particle.io) (Photon, Electron, and Core) and [Raspberry Pi](https://www.raspberrypi.org) boards and it provides many functions to communicate with OLED and LCD character display modules that use the I²C communication protocol.